
Diablo 3 dev talks forums
Diablo 3 dev talks forums

Given the success of Starcraft's three way balance, I wonder if they would try a "triangular tension" model again. Rhydderch Hael,Feb 13 2005, 12:33 AM Wrote:There's a chance that is how it will go.Ħ7968 Add in another human faction who actually wants to exploit or steal the powers of the ethereal forces for their own ascendency, and you have a good four-way power struggle. Then you have folks like the Rathman priests, who don't want either of these two sides here. Can't figure out what exactly they'd do, but chances are that crochet and discussions of existentialistic dilemmas are not on the agenda. Then there's the aforementioned forces of Hell. On one end are the Seraphim, the agents of the Heavens and the angels, following their own plans against the forces of Hell. And you make due by rankling the plans of the other factions. You— get to choose between differing factions, aligned with either the forces of Light, Dark, or a neutral humanist faction. Sanctuary is overrun by demons and angels in a big, open-handed do-over of the Sin War. Tyrael and the hero from the last game are nowhere to be seen, but last reports have them up one particularly fetid creek without the use of any propulsive oar implement. ) *cricket noises*ĭeeBye,Feb 12 2005, 08:43 PM Wrote:If Diablo 3 becomes a pay-for-play MMORPG, I'll be mightily pissed.Ħ7963There's a chance that is how it will go. "Shipped at least one AAA title as Lead Game Designer."ĪAA as in the American Automobile Association? I didn't know they designed games. What I like is the first requirement in the advertised job position: Whether their next title will be Diablo 3 or not doesn't really matter Blizzard is known for quality and taking their time, so it'll be a while before we know what game this new job position is really for. What better time than now to start work on it? I would have to agree, since my position on Diablo 3 has always been, "it's just a matter of time". But given the Diablo series' legendary status, development of a new installment would seem to be an inevitability, if not already an open secret." That speculation spiked this week when Blizzard posted a job listing for "an experienced Game Designer to help lead the team that designed Diablo and Diablo II." Besides the requisite experience, Blizzard would like said designer to have "Experience working on RPG titles." Given that description, the Diablo III theory would seem like a logical conclusion, even though Blizzard won't even acknowledge the game's existence.

diablo 3 dev talks forums diablo 3 dev talks forums

"While many people consider the hack-and-slash-happy World of Warcraft to be Diablo's spiritual successor, that hasn't stopped rumors about an outright sequel from circulating. I was reading the rumour control article over at Gamespot and found this little gem.

Diablo 3 dev talks forums