Log in with your existing or new ESO account.Read and agree to the EULA then click Continue.Click the link to download the game client.

Create a new ESO account following the instructions on the page.Click here and select your platform (PC/Mac).You can join The Elder Scrolls Online Free Play Week by following the instructions for your platform below: Click here if you created your ESO account without going through the "Free Play Page" and are unable to access the game.Click here if you have an existing ESO account that you used in a previous beta or Free Play event.

You can find more information regarding the Free Play Event here. Once the event is over, you will no longer be able to access t he game wi thout a full purchase. Even better, all new ESO accounts created also receive 500 crowns to spend in the in-game Crown Store. If you’ve already played ESO during a previous event, you can continue your adventures as normal. If you’d like to continue your story beyond the Free Play Event, pick up The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: High Isle from our Buy Now page to get immediate access to the game and previous Chapters.The Free Play Event grants you access to the base game, which includes four classes to master, 24 story zones to explore (including Vvardenfell), Battlegrounds and Alliance War PvP, and more. During this period anybody on PC/Mac(Steam not included), Xbox consoles(Xbox Live Gold required), PlayStation, can download and play The Elder Scrolls Online base game free.The Elder Scrolls Online Free Play event runs from Thursday, April 5 2023 until Monday, April 17 2023.