When you reach the pipe, grab it to stop the current. If you get caught, swim down into the gulley to avoid being washed away. On Planet Undertow, press Button C to swim rapidly to the right when you reach the area with the current.Notice the order of his appearances and then destroy him in that order. On Planet Scorch, you'll fight a boss that appears in a series of holes.So whaddaya say? How about putting the axe down for just a minute, maybe? Still, Ristar is a very good game, and it would be a shame for any action fan to miss it.

I guess after you've ripped a few heads off in Mortal Kombat, those smiling, cute stuffed animals just don't appeal. The problem for Sega is that players just aren't interested in the whole 'cute mascot' thing anymore. The stages themselves offer a lot of variety as well, with new and innovative challenges around every corner. The action in the game is carefully planned around these abilities, so the player is forced to think about each situation in a new and creative way. He can stretch them out to grab enemies, use them to climb walls, swim like a sub, and even swing around like Tarzan. Just as Sonic has his spin and Headdy has his multiple heads, Ristar also has a unique physical attribute - his arms. Unfortunately, Ristar probably won't set the video game world ablaze either, although it, like Dynamite Headdy, is a lot of fun to play. Sega's latest character, Ristar, is yet another attempt to relive the whole Sonic phenomenon after its last mascot, Dynamite Headdy, failed to become a household name.